Showing: 6 RESULTS
Musculosceletal ultrasound Soft tissue ultrasound

95. Gout, tophi and tenosynovitis

A patient was admitted for community-acquired pneumonia, and mechanical ventilation was necessary. Staphylococcus aureus and Legionella pneumophilla were identified as aetiological agents of lobar pneumonia. Sepsis developed and was managed. During the convalescence, period fever appeared again. Levels of inflammatory markers were elevated. Lung´s condition seemed to improve. The patient complained of pain in the …

Free Soft tissue ultrasound

92. Skin and soft tissue infections – part I

Following cases show two patients who were admitted to the hospital for erysipelas. Both patients had to be admitted at ICU due to consciousness disorder (resulting probably either from septic encephalopathy or from toxaemia) requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation.   Patient number 1 Mild disease course, local symptoms were already in regression, blood cultures were …

Abdominal ultrasound Soft tissue ultrasound

86. Wound abscess

A patient underwent midline laparotomy due to cholecystitis and ileus (which developed as a complication of previous surgery performed due to fracture of the cervical vertebral column) ten days ago. Cholecystectomy and decompression of the intestine were done. Elevation of inflammatory markers. The region of previous surgery of the cervical vertebral column is calm. There …

Soft tissue ultrasound

43. Postoperative hematoma

A patient underwent implantation of total shoulder endoprosthesis. He was admitted to the ICU for signs of sepsis. He complains of pain in right shoulder and arm. The surgical wound does not show signs of pathological healing. You look for septic focus and perform ultrasonography of the arm below operated shoulder:  

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